Last updated |
14 March 2008 |
Orthoconchoecia haddoni (Brady and Norman, 1896) Records: 238 (+7)
This is a species was originally described from the N. Atlantic from west of Ireland, and has been regularly reported from temperate latitudes between 30 and 60°. It is a shallow mesopelagic species that also abounds in the upwelling regions along the Chilean and NW and SW African coasts. The Chilean population has been described as a distinct subspecies (O. haddoni marchilensis Martens, 1979) and the population from the NW African coast is also distinct, being described as a small ‘southern form’ (e.g. Angel, 1970). It seems possible that the records off E. Africa are outliers of another subpopulation associated with the Somali Current upwelling. In the Southern Ocean most records are from north of the Subantarctic Front, but several have come from south of the Polar Front. It seems possible that many of these populations are currently isolated, and may merit specific status, in which case only the North Atlantic population would have to be regarded as O. haddoni sensu strictu. The sizes of the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic are indistinguishable.
Southern Ocean |
n |
Mean mm |
s.d. |
Range mm |
Female |
191 |
2.93 |
0.098 |
2.52-3.16 |
Male |
180 |
2.48 |
0.067 |
2.32-2.64 |
A-1 |
8 |
1.87 |
0.078 |
1.76-1.94 |
A-2 |
7 |
1.17 |
0.044 |
1.10-1.24 |
A-3 |
1 |
0.84 |
NE Atlantic |
n |
Mean mm |
s.d. |
Range mm |
Female |
111 |
2.75 |
0.079 |
2.54-2.98 |
Male |
169 |
2.23 |
0.059 |
2.12-2.36 |
A-1 |
1274 |
1.71 |
0.072 |
1.54-1.94 |
A-2 |
2790 |
1.10 |
0.043 |
0.98-1.22 |
A-3 |
2373 |
0.73 |
0.037 |
0.56-0.94 |