Last updated |
14 March 2008 |
World species list |
Listing of all known species in the suborder Halocypridina Dana 1853, and the species of pelagic oceanic Myodocopina Sars 1866 |
e = epipelagic |
Suborder Halocypridina |
m = mesopelagic |
FAM. Halocyprididae |
b = bathypelagic |
Subfamily Conchoecinae |
a = abyssopelagic |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
* = Type species |
Alacia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(8 species) |
*alata alata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
minor |
(McHardy, R.A., 1964) |
m |
belgicae |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
elsae |
Poulsen, 1973 |
? |
hettacra |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
leptothrix |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
pseudoalata |
(Chavtur & Shornikov, 1974) |
? |
valdiviae |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
Boroecia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(3 species) |
antipoda |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
*borealis |
(Sars, G.O., 1866) |
m |
maxima |
(Brady & Norman, 1896) |
m |
Conchoecetta |
Claus, 1890 |
(2 species) |
*acuminata |
Claus, 1890 |
e/m |
giesbrechti |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
e/m |
Conchoecia |
Dana, 1852 |
(8 species) |
hyalophyllum |
Claus, 1890 |
e/m |
indica |
Merrylal James, 1972 |
e/m |
lophura |
Müller, G.W., 1906 |
m/b |
lophura lissoides |
Martens, 1979 |
m |
macrocheira |
Müller, G.W., 1906 |
(m)/b |
*magna |
Claus, 1874 |
m/e |
parvidentata |
Müller, G.W., 1906 |
?m/b |
subarcuata |
Claus, 1890 |
m/e |
Conchoecilla |
Claus, 1890 |
(3/4 species) |
chuni |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
*daphnoides |
Claus, 1890 |
m/e |
daphnoides minor |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
?m/e |
elongata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
? |
Conchoecissa |
Claus, 1890 |
(5 species) |
ametra |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
*imbricata |
(Brady, 1880) |
m/e |
plinthina |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
squamosa |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
symmetrica |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
Discoconchoecia |
Martens, 1979 |
(4/5 species) |
*elegans |
(Sars, G.O., 1866) |
m/e |
discophora |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
discophora capitelonga |
Martens, 1979 |
m |
pseudodiscophora |
(Rudjakov, 1962) |
m |
tamensis |
(Poulsen, 1973) |
m |
Gaussicia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(4/5 species) |
edentata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
gaussi |
(Müller, G.W., 1908) |
b/a |
gaussi curilensis |
(Rudjakov, 1962) |
b/a |
*incisa |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
subedentata |
(Gooday, 1976) |
m |
Loricoecia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(3/4 species) |
acutimarginata |
Chavtur, 1977 |
b/a |
*ctenophora |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
loricata |
(Claus, 1894) |
m |
loricata minor |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
Macroconchoecia |
Granata & Caporiacco, 1949 |
(4 species) |
caudata |
(Müller, G.W., 1890) |
?m |
macroreticulata |
(Ellis, 1984) |
m/b |
*reticulata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
spinireticulata |
(Ellis, 1984) |
m |
Metaconchoecia |
Kempf, 1986 |
(16 species) |
acuta |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m/e |
alta |
Chavtur 2003 |
m/b |
ampla |
Chavtur 2003 |
b/a |
australis |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m |
crassiseta |
Chavtur 2003 |
b/a |
discoveryi |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m/b |
fowleri |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m |
inflata |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m/b |
inflata lata |
Chavtur 2003 |
e |
longiseta |
Chavtur 2003 |
e/m |
obtusa |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m |
*rotundata |
(Müller, G.W., 1890) |
m |
skogsbergi |
(Iles. 1953) |
m/b |
aff. skogsbergi |
sensu Angel, 1968 |
?m |
subinflata |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m |
wolferi |
(Gooday, 1981) |
m |
Muelleroeoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(2 species) |
*glandulosa |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
macromma |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
Vityazoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(2 species) |
*goodayi |
(Chavtur, 1987) |
a |
lunata |
(Deevey, 1978) |
a |
Deeveyoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(2 species) |
*arcuata |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b/a |
bathyrotundata |
(Chavtur, 1977) |
b |
Juryoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(2 species) |
*distoglandula |
Chavtur and Angel, 2004 |
a |
abyssalis |
(Rudjakov, 1962) |
a |
Austrinoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(1 species) |
*isocheira |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
Nasoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(1 species) |
*nasotuberculata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
Krytoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(1 species) |
*kyrtophora |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
Clausoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(1 species) |
*pusilla |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
Rotundoecia |
Chavtur and Angel, in press |
(1 species) |
*teretivalvata |
(Iles. 1953) |
m/e |
Mikroconchoecia |
Claus, 1891 |
(4 species) |
acuticosta |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
*curta |
(Lubbock, 1860) |
m/e |
echinulata |
Claus, 1891 |
m/e |
stigmatica |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
Mollicia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(7 species) |
acanthophora |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
amblypostha |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
eltaninae |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b/a |
kampta |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
*mollis |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
minki |
(Poulsen, 1973) |
b |
tyloda |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
a |
Obtusoecia |
Martens, 1979 |
(2 species) |
antarctica |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
*obtusata |
(Sars, G.O., 1866) |
m/e |
Orthoconchoecia |
Granata & Caporiacco, 1949 |
(7/9 species) |
agassizi |
(Müller, G.W., 1895) |
m |
atlantica |
(Lubbock, 1856) |
m |
bispinosa |
(Claus, 1890) |
m |
haddoni |
(Brady & Norman, 1896) |
m |
haddoni 'southern form' |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
haddoni marchilensis |
Martens. 1979 |
m |
orthotrichota |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
secernenda |
(Vavra, 1906) |
m |
*striola |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
Paraconchoecia |
Claus, 1891 |
(19 species) |
aequiseta |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
aleutica |
Chavtur, 1986 |
b |
allotherium |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
angusta |
Chavtur, 1986 |
m |
cophopyga |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
dasyophthalma |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
decipiens |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
dentata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
diacanthus |
Cheng & Lin, 1994 |
m/e |
dorsotuberculata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
echinata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
hirsuta |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
hoensis |
Poulsen. 1973 |
?m |
inermis |
Claus, 1890 |
m |
mamillata |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b/a |
mesadenia |
(Ellis, 1985) |
a |
nanomamillata |
(Deevey & Brooks, 1980) |
m |
oblonga |
Claus, 1890 |
m/e |
*spinifera |
Claus, 1891 |
m/e |
Paramollicia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(7 species) |
cellularis |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
dichotoma |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
distans |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
?b |
major |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
*plactolycos |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
b |
rhynchena |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
sibogae |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
Platyconchoecia |
Poulsen, 1973 |
(1 species) |
*prosadene |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
Porroecia |
Martens, 1979 |
(7/9 species) |
crassispina |
Chen and Lin, 1987 |
?m |
hystrix |
(Angel and Ellis, 1987) |
b |
parthenoda |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/e |
porrecta |
(Claus, 1890) |
m/e |
*porrecta adriatica |
(Gooday and Angel, 1977) |
m/e |
porrecta pacifica |
Martens, 1979 |
m/e |
pseudoparthenoda |
(Angel, 1972) |
m/e |
spinirostris |
(Claus, 1874) |
e/m |
vibekensis |
(Poulsen, 1973) |
e/m |
Proceroecia |
Kock, 1992 |
(7 species) |
brachyaskos |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m/b |
convexa |
(Deevey, 1977) |
m |
macroprocera |
(Angel, 1971) |
m |
*microprocera |
(Angel, 1971) |
m/e |
procera |
(Müller, G.W., 1894) |
m |
rivotella |
McKenzie & Benassi 1994 |
m |
vitjazi |
(Rudjakov, 1962) |
a |
Pseudoconchoecia |
Claus, 1891 |
(2/3 species) |
concentrica |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
e/m |
*serrulata |
(Claus, 1874) |
m |
serrulata laevis |
(Brady, 1907) |
m |
Subfamily Halocypridinae |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
Halocypria |
Poulsen, 1969 |
(1 species) |
*globosa |
Claus, 1874 |
e,m,?Benth |
Halocypris |
Dana, 1853 |
(3 species) |
*inflata |
Dana, 1849 |
e/m |
pelagica |
Claus, 1890 |
e/m |
angustifrontalis |
Chavtur, in press |
e/m |
Halocypretta |
Chavtur, 2001 |
(2 species) |
parvirostrata |
Chavtur, 2001 |
e/m |
striata |
Müller, G.W., 1906 |
?m |
Fellia |
Poulsen, 1969 |
(3 species) |
bicornis |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
*cornuta |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
dispar |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
Subfamily Archiconchoecinae |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
Archiconchoecia |
Müller 1894 |
(4 species) |
striata |
Müller, G.W., 1894 |
e |
instriata |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
e |
propinqua |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
e |
apertesulcata |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
a |
Archiconchoecissa |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(2/3 species) |
pljusnini |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
a |
cucullata |
(Brady 1902) |
m/b |
aff. cucullata (small form) |
Angel, 1983 |
m |
Archiconchoecilla |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(2 species) |
maculata |
(Chavtur, 1977) |
a |
versicula |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b/a |
Archiconchoecemma |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(2 species) |
simula |
(Deevey, 1982) |
b |
orientalis |
(Chavtur, 1987) |
b |
Archiconchoecinna |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(3 species) |
ecuneata |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
b |
arctica |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
b |
cuneata |
(Müller, G.W., 1908) |
m/b |
Archiconchoecetta |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(11 species) |
ventricosa |
(Müller, G.W., 1906) |
m |
poulseni |
(Deevey, 1978) |
?b |
inventricosa |
(Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003) |
a |
bidens |
(Deevey, 1982) |
b |
bifurcata |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b |
bimucronata |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b/a |
bispicula |
(Deevey, 1978) |
fabiformis |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b |
falcata |
(Deevey, 1978) |
m/b |
gastrodes |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b |
pilosa |
(Deevey, 1978) |
m |
Archiconchoecerra |
Chavtur and Stovbun, 2003 |
(1 species) |
longiseta |
(Deevey, 1978) |
b/a |
Subfamily Euconchoecinae |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
Bathyconchoecia |
Deevey, 1968 |
(24 species) |
angeli |
George, 1977 |
Bentho |
arctica |
Angel, 1976 |
? |
baskiae |
Poulsen, 1969 |
Bentho |
caini |
Ellis 1989 |
Bentho |
crosnieri |
Poulsen 1969 |
Bentho |
darcythompsoni |
(Scott, 1909) |
Bentho |
deeveyae |
Kornicker, 1970 |
a |
diacantha |
Deevey, 1975 |
Bentho |
foveolata |
Deevey, 1968 |
Bentho |
galerita |
Deevey, 1968 |
Bentho |
hardingae |
Deevey, 1975 |
Bentho |
kornickeri |
Deevey, 1968 |
Bentho |
lacunosa |
(Müller, 1906) |
Bentho |
aff. lacunosa |
sensu James 1973 |
Bentho |
laqueata |
Deevey 1968 |
Bentho |
latirostris |
Poulsen, 1972 |
Bentho |
longispinata |
Ellis, 1987 |
a |
louiskornickeri |
Chavtur, 2001- to accommodate Kornicker's 1991 material |
nodosa |
Poulsen 1972 |
a |
*paulula |
Deevey, 1968 |
a |
pacifica |
Chavtur, 2001- raised to specific rank |
a |
septemspinosa |
Angel, 1970 |
a |
sagittarius |
Deevey, 1968 |
Bentho |
subrufa |
Angel, 1970 |
Bentho |
Euconchoecia |
Müller, 1890 |
(9 species) |
aculeata |
(Scott, 1894) |
e |
bifurcata |
Chen and Lin 1984 |
e |
pax (ex B.bifurcata pax) |
Chavtur, in press (see Korniker & Iliffe 1989) |
Cave |
*chierchiae |
Müller, 1890 |
e |
aspicula |
Chavtur, in press (ex E. chierchiae apsicula Deevey '82) |
e |
elongata |
Müller 1906 (renamed E. elongata Tseng 1969) |
e |
maimai |
Tseng, 1969 |
e |
pacifica |
Chavtur 1976 |
e |
shenghwai |
Tseng, 1969 |
e |
Family Thaumatocyprididae |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
Danielopolina |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
(9 species) |
bahamensis |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1989 |
cave |
carolynae |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
elizabethae |
Kornicker & Iliffe 1992 |
cave |
kornickeri |
Danielopol, Baltanas & Humphreys, 2000 |
cave |
mexicana |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1989 |
cave |
*orghidani |
*(Danielopol, 1972) |
cave |
phalanx |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1995 |
cave |
styx |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1989 |
cave |
wilkensi |
Hartmann, 1985 |
cave |
Deeveya |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1985 |
(6 species) |
bransoni |
Kornicker & Palmer, 1987 |
cave |
hirpex |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
jillae |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1989 |
cave |
medix |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
*spiralis |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1985 |
cave |
styrax |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
Spelaeoecia |
Angel & Iliffe, 1987 |
(7 species) |
bermudensis |
Angel & Iliffe, 1987 |
cave |
cubensis |
Kornicker & Yager 1996 |
cave |
capax |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
jamaicensisnsis |
Kornicker & Iliffe, 1992 |
cave |
styx |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
sagax |
Kornicker, Yager & Williams, 1990 |
cave |
barri |
Kornicker and Barr, 1997 |
cave |
Thaumatocypris |
Müller, G.W. 1906 |
(2/3 species) |
*echinata |
Müller, G.W. 1906 |
bentho |
sp. |
Poulsen, 1969 |
bentho |
3 |
rudjakovi |
Kornicker, 2004 |
bentho |
Thaumatoconcha |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
(10/12 species) |
caraionae |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
elongata |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
hessleri |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
*radiata |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
pix |
Kornicker, 1992 |
polythrix |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
porosa |
Kornicker, 1985 |
benthic |
punctata |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
sandersi |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
tuberculata |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
sp. |
Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 |
benthic |
sp. |
Kornicker, 1985 |
benthic |
Family Cypridinidae |
Subfamily Cypridninae |
Genus |
Species |
Authority, date |
e,m,b,a |
Macrocypridina |
Skogsberg, 1920 |
(2 species) |
*castanea |
(Brady, 1897) |
m/b |
poulseni |
Martens, 1979 |
m/b |
Gigantocypris |
Müller, G.W., 1895 |
(6 species) |
agassizi |
Müller, G.W., 1895 |
b |
australis |
Poulsen, 1962 |
b |
danae |
Poulsen, 1962 |
b |
dracontovalis |
Cannon, 1940 |
a |
*muelleri |
Skogsberg, 1920 |
b |
?pellucida |
Muller, G.W., 1895 |
b |