Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot
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Last updated
14 March 2008
Southampton Oceanography Centre
Southern Ocean list > Mikroconchoecia curta > Notes
Mikroconchoecia curta
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Mikroconchoecia curta (Lubbock, 1860)
Records: 305

One of the smaller members of the genus, which is easily confused with the other slightly smaller species M. echinulata; so it is possible that both species occur in the Southern Ocean. M. curta is known to be an active diel migrant, and occasionally is found in high abundances in the neuston at the surface. Normally by day it is a shallow mesopelagic species. Most records at high latitudes (>45°) have been for the late summer and autumn months of the respective hemispheres, so it may not be a year-round resident at these higher latitudes. Adult females occur regularly, albeit in small numbers, at bathypelagic depths, so a fraction of the population may be undertaking a life-cycle migration into deep water.

Equatorial Atlantic n Mean mm s.d. Range mm
Female 68 0.83 0.031 0.78-0.90
Male 110 0.83 0.032 0.76-0.90
A-1 269 0.60 0.025 0.54-0.66
A-2 149 0.44 0.017 0.40-0.48