Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot
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Last updated
14 March 2008
Southampton Oceanography Centre
Southern Ocean list > Nasoecia nasotuberculata > Notes
Nasoecia nasotuberculata
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Nasoecia nasotuberculata (Müller, G.W., 1906)
Records: 142

This is a small shallow mesopelagic species that is characterized by its globular shape, the right asymmetrical gland opening very close to the tip of the rostrum, and the development of lateral tubercles at the posterior dorsal corner, particularly in the female. Even so, the mislabelling of Muller's (1906) original illustrations lead to its confusion with M. kyrtophora (Angel, 1981). Its apparent absence from some regions may be a result of this confusion. It was originally described as a Conchoecia species in Müller's 'rotundata group', and as such it was re-classified as a Metaconchoecia species by Poulsen (1973). Recently the genus Metaconchoecia has been substantially revised by Chavtur and Angel (in press). Recognizing that the old concept was very heterogeneous, while being clearly separated from other halocyprids by the locations of the symmetrical glands, they have established a tribe, the Metaconchoeciinae, and divided the species into ten genera, while still retaining the genus Metaconchoecia. The unique features of this species result in its classification in a new monospecific genus.

In the North Atlantic it seldom spreads north of 30°N, but in the South Atlantic it crosses the Subtropical Front, and to the south of Australia its range extends almost to the Subantarctic Front. Such a disjunct distribution suggests that this species should be further examined to see if there are cryptic species.

  n Mean mm s.d. Range mm
Female 259 0.82 0.023 0.76-0.88
Male 212 0.82 0.021 0.74-0.86
A-1 139 0.68 0.022 0.64-0.74